I should really be in bed at this hour but as I have been stressing lately over looking for a job and now on top of that, moving house I have had the desperate desire/need to scrap but just haven't found the time.
Well tonight I was sitting in bed, trying to unwind from the day and a thought struck me like a thunderbolt.
Recently I have joined a group on Facebook called Pocket Scrapbooking UK & Europe. On this site one of the members, I believe it was the lovely Karen Spreckley turned me onto Insta Place, Insta Weather and Insta Food and I am obsessed now. I am always and forever taking pictures of my food and had mentioned this when she suggested I download Insta Food. When I told her that I had not heard of this app (but always taking pictures of my food nonetheless), she also said, well if you like something like this, then you will probably also like Insta Weather & Insta Place. It only took mere moments after that to find them in the play store and download them!
I wanted to start including these pictures in my "Project Life" album (via the Simple Stories Sn@p albums) but there wasn't really a pocket page that seemed to work properly. The pictures print out quite square so I didn't want to cut them down to 3 x 4 or alternatively put them in a 4 x 6 and then fill the left over space with something else. I typically don't use the pages by Simple Stories that have (2) 4 x 4 pockets and the one 2 x 8 strip as I find the 2 x 8 difficult to fill. I have used them on occasion but not regularly. I am more of a 3 x 4, 4 x 6 or 6 x 8 girl!
So I got to thinking, what if I cut the 2 x 8 strip off and then attempted to sew the (2) 4 x 4 pockets back onto the plastic strip with the holes punched into it.
Well, it might be a harebrained idea and it did take a few attempts to sew them back together (as I only just got my mini Hobbycraft sewing machine for Christmas, so sewing is a new "craft" for me), plus I did cut up more than a handful of pocket pages to boot but I got there in the end. I finally made one that seemed sturdy enough to hold together and for good measure I put some washi tape over the seams in the hopes this will help keep the page from falling apart. I will let you know how it goes!

Here's a pic (not a very good one) of the custom pocket pages. I have to say that I am pleased as punch!
Once I got in the crafting mood and the creative juices started flowing I also found myself pulling together a sort of "traditional" page for my Simple Stories album. Granted it's not complete yet as I still need to do my journaling but at least I go to bed and feel like I have done a bit of scrapping. These pages (the insta pages & the other one below) are the first pages for January 2014.

Yes, I have yet to create my title page like many others I find but that's simply because I need to sweet talk Simon into letting me take a few pictures of him for the title page this year. He's even more camera shy than me, although I do say he is by far more photogenic than I.
Well, as I did say it is quite late I really should go to bed now, considering that it is now 2:30 in the morning.
As it is late, apologies if there are any spelling errors or glaring mistakes, I'm probably a bit punchy at this point.
Good Night!
And thanks for stopping by.
Christine x