I'm posting Week 11. I try to keep varying the details in the layouts so they all don't look too similar. This week I went with pulling out some of the colours in the main picture and carrying it over to some of the other cards, like the date card and the journaling card. As well I try to find slightly different ways to display the "title" on the weekly journal card.
Here's the two page spread for this week:
Left hand page:

Right hand page:

For the Date Card I wanted to use the colours that were prominent in the Virgin train picture on the opposite page. (This was the first time I had travelled on the Virgin fast train). I have to say its quite a lovely way to travel and upgrading to First Class, which is a lush cabin, is only an extra £15 - is such a bargain! I used some old 7gypsies paper called Piccadilly, I believe. I created the "Week Eleven" Circle in Word and then taped it to the card with Washi tape. I like the way it turned out.

This week the journaling card was very basic but I applied some Word Art Style to the title to reflect the red and black from the train. Things have really been getting to me and backing up on me now that I am getting closer to my end date at work. During the past few weeks my relationship with Leanne (our travel agent, or one of) has really come along in spades. I find myself on the phone to her more and more, simply because she makes me laugh so much and gets my mind off of everything. We had always talked about getting together at some point (she lives in Manchester - quite a few hours away) and as I would be going soon I couldn't think of a better time than now. When I mentioned my situation to her she suggested we should plan a weekend in "Manc" together and said she would arrange it all.

We had hoped to get good weather this weekend but unfortunately, as she said, the weather up there is typically worse than it is down here, south of London. It made for quite an eventful night with Leanne driving around in the rain like a madwoman, doing handbrake turns (unintentionally) when we missed our turn off to the club. She is a regular riot! I added a tag to this photo with some graph paper from the Simple Stories Snap Life 6x6 Basics Paper Pad and then stapled it to the picture, a screenshot from my phone.

There was a spa at the hotel she booked us into. This was specifically why she chose this hotel because she thought I could do with a bit of relaxation and a massage. She booked us both in for an aromatherapy relaxation massage. It was an hour in heaven! Afterwards we "retired" to our rooms for a rest before a night out! (All the lettering is from the Simple Stories "Typeset" collection.

I took a picture of the Virgin train as I was well impressed with their service. What a way to travel! Got from London Paddington to Manchester Piccadilly in two hours. On the photo I also inserted a text box so I could add "London to Manchester" on the actual train just above where it says Virgin.

Before going out for the evening to the club Leanne and I had a nice dinner together in the posh restaurant at the hotel along with a few cocktails. Afterwards we drove up the road a bit to a local club to watch a colleague of hers (Jon - another agent I sometimes dealt with) play in his rock and roll band. It was a great show, Jon is very talented and it was nice to have a few songs dedicated to me - Sweet Home Alabama and a bit of Johnny Cash! (Screenshot from my FB status)

And of course I had to include a pic of my new B.F.F. - Leanne!! She truly is superstar!! She planned a great weekend and I haven't laughed soo much in I can't remember when. Exactly what I needed. It was a dead (as they say in Manc) good weekend. As per Leanne I'm an honorary Manc now! (The super star is from the Simple Stories "Typeset" collection and the BFF tag is paper from the Simple Stories 6x6 Basic Papers Pad)

Had a bit of an extreme delay with the trains going home but otherwise the trip was exactly what I needed.
Thanks for stopping by!
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