This week I'm sharing Week 6 of my Snap Life 2013. Below is the two page spread for this week.

I wanted to try and use a bit more colour this week. I have seen others online get quite creative with their Project Life albums so I wanted to try to be different this week and also keep changing the format and style of my pages as I go along. As well, as this was going to be a pivotal week for us with Julie's surgery I wanted to add the colour to brighten the pages for what was an otherwise uncertain time for us all.
This is the left page: (using another one of the cardstock pages that came with the Snap Studio Binder kit). I added some Washi tape along the left hand side and sort of started a theme, as I wanted to work with pink, yellow & blue this week.
Main Date Card: for this I used a 3 x 4 pink chevron card from the Snap Studio "Snappy Days" set. I also wanted to add a bit more detail and texture to the card so added various different stickers. Some from the Snap Studio "Your Life in a Snap" 12 x 12 collection kit and as well from the Snap Stickers "Typeset" collection.

Something else I have seen online are scrappers doing a photo a day so I thought I would try that approach this week. As this week wasn't completely done with page protectors I felt like I had a lot more freedom with these two pages, which I enjoyed. For Monday the photo I chose was of the t.v. remote. Why, you might ask? Well it just shows where my head was at on Monday, as when I got to work, I reached in my handbag to get rid of my car keys and what did I find but the t.v. remote. Don't ask me how it got there, as I still don't know. Odd but very funny. Both the yellow stickers are Snap Studio, with the ticket stub looking sticker from the Snap Stickers "Labels" collection.

On Tuesday Rupert appeared to have an O.C.D. moment, which is very unusual for him. Maybe he was feeling some of the stress in the house as well. They do say that dogs are quite intuitive and he is very smart, so I wouldn't put it past him. In the very bottom of our pantry I have a red & white polka dot heavy duty plastic structured bag, with three sections, that we put our recyclables for the week in, before we take them out to the bins, once it's full. I had this out as I was going to flatten all the cardboard boxes. As we were having dinner, Rupert got into the cardboard boxes and proceeded to rip them all to shreds and then sat there amongst the carnage. At the time I thought this would be great to capture for my Tuesday picture but as I looked at him I said "I suppose by the time I go get the camera you won't be sitting there anymore." Surprisingly he was still sitting there when I returned and continued to sit there, of his own accord, while I took the three pictures to make the photo-strip. (The blue stickers are all Snap Studio)

For Wednesday I included an insert (which seems to be a recurring theme with me now.) I created this from some old Bo Bunny polka dot cardstock that I had, punched a few holes in it and added a file tab from my Echo Park Photo Freedom "Today's Story" kit. As strange as it may seem I didn't want the photo for this day to focus solely on Julie's surgery. Maybe this was my way of thinking about it/processing it in a positive way. The photo to capture Wednesday was off the afternoon tea Simon & I had on the high street in Ascot at one of our favourite cafes while we waited for Julie to come out of surgery.

On the back of this insert I included the picture for Thursday. I was picking up some things from the shops, getting some stuff for Julie as she was now home from the hospital, the essentials and happened to wander down the newsstand aisle. I don't know what it is about glossy magazines, maybe something from my childhood. I wanted a little pick-me-up so I grabbed 3 or 4 of my favourites. I find they are always a good way to lift my spirits.

For Friday I used a pic that I had downloaded of an old comic book style or 1950's "Daily News World is Ending" headline. I had come to find out that what I had feared would "be my fate" since late December, early January was going to happen, and it was going to happen next. I was an absolute shambling wreck. Let's just say this didn't make for a good start to the weekend.

For Saturday I didn't really have a picture to include so instead used a business card for my photo for that day (as it technically was as photo of the place we visited that day). Simon had already made plans ages ago for this Saturday to meet with (2) of his friends and didn't want to cancel as he hadn't seem them both in a very long time. Julie said that she was totally fine, convalescing nicely at home now and was okay with him going out for a break as I was going to come to hers anyway for a visit. She suggested I make a day of it and we could go have lunch together. We had a good visit and an even better chat, then wandered up to a local Italian deli on the corner called Palmieri's for some lunch. All in all, despite the events of the week, my visit with Julie really picked me up and it was nice to see that she was recovering quickly. A good sign!

As you can see I still have yet to include my journaling for Saturday. That "Queen of Unfinished Projects" is starting to show her bad side. Not promising.
These were the other inserts I created this week. It's a 2 x 8 section cut off one of the page protector's that I had already used. I needed somewhere to put my journaling for this week and thought I'd try this, to keep things different. The only issue was the open slot all down the right hand side of the now converted page protector. As I don't have a sewing machine the only way I could think of sealing it up was with Washi tape. So I added a tiny strip of the same pink & white polka dot tape that I used on the edge of the left page. I don't know how long it will hold but I tried to secure it a bit more by adding a sticky file tab to the edge. Fingers crossed.
That's me for this week. Thanks for looking! Hopefully you continue along with me on my Scraptastic Voyage, and hopefully so will I ! !
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