Here is Week 4 of my Snap Life 2013.
This is the two page spread for Week 4. On the left I used a page protector that holds (4) 3 x 4 inserts. On the right I used one of the (8) cardstock Snap pages that is colour coordinated and comes with the Snap Studio Binder kit. This week was a bit of a tumultuous, emotional week for me for many reasons.
The left page
The right page.
Tried to be a bit more creative here and create a page from one of the hard cardstock colour coordinated pages that comes with the Snap Studio Binder kit. (My Tuesday.) Let's just say it was not a good start to the week. On my way home, late by the way already, I stopped at the Esso to get some petrol and pick up some milk. When I got back in the car the steering wheel wouldn't unlock no matter how many times I tried or how hard I tried. A few gents in the garage tried to help me (with a bit of manpower) but in the end I had to call for road side assistance. Simon even drove up to the garage to give it a try, for all he was worth, I might add, but to no avail. So in the end I had to call a tow truck and be towed home. Mind you, that was after waiting 3 hours in the freezing cold for them to get there. Not a pleasant evening to say the least. I did come to find out while I was waiting there at the petrol station that there were also (3) other motorists stranded. Not the best night to be broken down and unfortunately I missed work the next day.

The main date insert. I created this from a Simple Stories chevron card, attached the flag with the weekly date on it and then used a circle punch for the number 4, which was from my Simple Stories Snap kit.

I <3 New York. This insert I created myself in Word. I know a lot of other scrappers are using Project Life kits and other like items on the market, however I like to try to scrap on a budget, (somewhat), use some of my creativity to create my own inserts and as well, as scrapbooking is still not that popular in the UK (as it is in the US), obtaining supplies locally can normally be a bit thin on the ground, especially the new releases (so sometimes it is just easier to make my own.) By the time the "new releases" get to the UK, they are now old releases. With the stress of everything going on (my boss relocating back to the US, his replacement not yet announced, the likely potential I would be made redundant and now Julie going through the uncertainty of Cancer) I had originally been planning to get away for my birthday in February and was meant to finalise the details this week. But it seemed Alina, my friend from college in Arizona, was now having difficulties on her end finalising this trip as well for the dates we had picked in Feb., so we sadly made the decision to cancel the trip and I have to say that I was absolutely gutted. So it became The Trip that Never Was.

My Journal Card for the Week: Again, this is something that I created in Word. Very basic and simple on white card stock, printed in a teal-ish blue to pick up some of the elements that I used on the pages - the Simple Stories stickers, the tab on the double 3 x 4 insert and the colour on the bike on the "Tuesday" page. As life was stressful beyond belief, like a pressure cooker, ready to blow, Simon decided to spend a bit of time at Julie's (my "sister-in-law") for the end of the week, to give her some immediate support and as well to give us some breathing room.
Sign's of You: Simon's wellie boots on the front steps when I came home from work (after a very looooong week) on Friday. It gave me a nice feeling and lifted my heart to see signs of him and know that he was still here (although he was staying at Julie's).
My double 3 x 4 insert (front). It's ironic really because I originally thought that I would not have enough daily/weekly events to fill a large album (like the 12 x 12) and honestly I probably still wouldn't, maybe a 10 x 10. But I have noticed that in the four weeks since I started my album I have had an insert each week with the exception of Week 3.
To give you a bit of background, before the New Year I had asked the landlord if we could re-paint the bathroom as it really was quite dingy and straight out of the 70's. I didn't think she would say yes at the time and neither did Simon, as she said she had only recently had it repapered and redecorated a few years before we had moved in. (To note we had only been here 2 years, who decorates their bathroom in the year 2000+ like something from the 70's?) Anyway, I've gone a bit off point here. When we sorted out the "raising the rent" debacle in Week 3 she mentioned that she would be happy now to have the bathroom redecorated and updated. Funnily enough, I wasn't fussed anymore but she had already called the plumber & he had scheduled us in for this week - to replace the floor and bath tiles. However, half way through the job, he was called away to another more urgent job. So we had the "Before" shot with just the floor tiles removed, with the floor now left to dry, as he had discovered water damage behind the tub, to the "During" shot, which was the way the bathroom was going to remain until mid-February now when he could come back and complete the job in its entirety. He did manage to come back at the weekend (joy) and lay the new floor tiles. So the weekend was spent with the plumber traipsing in and out of the house, at ungodly hours, banging about and creating a mind numbing ruckus with his grinder whilst cutting the tiles.

Back of 3 x 4 insert. In looking at other scrappers Project Life webpages I had seen some very basic colourful cards, with just a single word, so I recreated one of these. I chose the word Faithful as Rupert is attached to Simon like I have seen no other dog be attached to a person ever. I suppose I had that with my previous Jack Russell named Flash but now Simon has it with Rupert (although truth be told, Rupert was MY birthday present 2 years ago.) Go figure, maybe it's a boy thing.
Rupert knows well before I ever do that Simon is about to arrive home, must be a sixth sense or supersonic hearing. In the picture of Rupert (or Boopsy as we sometimes call him, this dog has so many nicknames it's unbelievable) you can see he has his ear cocked, listening to every sound, and hoping to hear the sound of Simon's car on the drive.
This is the little tab I stuck on the insert created from Echo Park's "Today's Story" Photo Freedom kit. Trying to tie in with the blue/teal on the page.
Well that's the end of Week 4 for me! I will have to "keep on keeping on" to use a catchphrase from the `70's!!