March Simple Stories Sn@p - Part 4

This is my last post for March!  Funnily enough this layout actually captures the start of March.
If you are a regular reader of my blog (this means you Tessa and maybe one other!) I have a catch-up usually once a month with a couple of close mates of mine.  This month we decided to try a new place in Windsor called Bill's, a sort of shabby chic down to earth place that is right up my street.  We met there on a Sunday afternoon for brunch and it was fabulous!  Time with Sembi and Dan is always time well spent and such good fun. 
They truly are good for my soul!
SUPPLIES | For the top insert the background paper is simply brown cardstock.  On the left hand side I used a bit of yellow polka dot paper and on the right a 3x4 journaling card, both by Simple Stories. The sticker letters and the @ symbol are both by Simple Stories. For the bottom insert, the background paper is an old Chatterbox scrap I had stashed away.  The "eat" letters are Simple Stories.  The gold star and gold camera are both Studio Calico.  The circular "hello there" sticker is from the D.I.Y. line by Simple Stories. 
For the opposite page I used one of the heavy card page inserts that come with the Simple Stories Sn@p albums.  We took a couple snapshots that day so I picked a few of the best and used them.  I love the pic in the centre of the page, such a great shot.  These two can make me laugh like no one else can!
SUPPLIES | For this page I wanted a collage look so once I had the photos where I wanted them I just started layering things around them. From the top the blue polka dot paper is a PL card, the red "smile big" bingo card is by Simple Stories, the red Sunday tab on the top left is from The Daily Grind line by Simple Stories. All the stickers - genuine, life is great, captured, hello weekend and the heart this arrow are all Simple Stories. The orange polka dot tape is by Simple Stories.  The strips of paper down the right hand side are all PL and Simple Stories. The number 3 tab is by American Crafts.  The black washi tape is by Queen & Co.
The next insert is just a simple insert I did to document having a Diet Coke at McDonald's, for the first time in a long time! I used to drink Diet Coke like it was going out of style but eventually weaned myself off of it a few years back (after many attempts I must admit), once I learned how bad it truly is for you. My preference used to be Diet Coke in a bottle, then a can if a bottle wasn't available but typically not a fountain Coke, as I don't really like the way it tastes watered down.  But with McDonald's Diet Coke I find that it has a very distinctive taste to it, unlike any other fountain Diet Coke.  On this particular day I was driving back from signing up with a recruitment firm in Uxbridge when I found myself gagging for a drink and also a bit peckish.  So I pulled into a drive-thru McDonald's, the only one around for miles. Drive-thru's are not that frequent here in the UK as they are in the US!
SUPPLIES | For the insert on the left the striped background paper is Simple Stories and the grid paper with the journaling on it is the middle of a Project Life card.  The green "Wednesday" tab at the top is from The Daily Grind collection by Simple Stories. On the right I mounted the pic of the Diet Coke on simple white cardstock and then put green polka dot washi tape by Queen & Co around the edges.

(Shot of full page layout)
The pic below is a snapshot of Rupert and I in the car at Braywick Park, right before we got out to go for a walk. We were watching a couple dogs playing around on the grass near the car and I was whispering secrets into Rupert's ears  At the mention of certain things his ears perked right up, I loved the look in his eyes and how attentive his gaze became. I quickly whipped out my phone and captured the moment.
SUPPLIES | All the stickers are Simple Stories with the "Cherish Everyday" sticker from the D.I.Y. line. The pink and orange flowery background paper is by Dovecraft called Garden Party, something I found at Wilko's.
 (Close up of detail in upper right hand corner)
SUPPLIES | Stickers are by Simple Stories. Enamel dots are from the D.I.Y. line by Simple Stories and the enamel heart is by October Afternoon from the line called "Milk Money".

That's it.  I am officially done with all my posts for the month of March!  On to April!!

March Simple Stories Sn@p - part 3

SUPPLIES | Tried to use up a few scraps with the insert card above.  The top (lined) half is by Simple Stories and the bottom is Project Life Honey. The stickers spelling out "American BBQ" are called Sweet Shoppe Letter Stickers by Lilybee Designs. The star was cut out of old 7 Gypsies paper and the "It's All Good" red sticker is by Simple Stories.
Finally finishing off my March Project Life.  I had hoped to be half way through April by now, but c'est la vie! Anyway, this is part 3 for March. We returned again to The Bluegrass for another American "southern" meal!  And it was just as good as the last time! This time in addition to dinner we also had some dessert, the salted caramel cheesecake. Absolutely sinful! It was served with a handful of salty popcorn which seemed odd at first, until you had a couple bites of cheesecake & then popped a few pieces of popcorn in your mouth. Perfect together. I also love the old style white & blue enamel dishes they serve them in.
SUPPLIES | The orange "Looking Good" insert card is Project Life Honey.  The brown sticker on the picture in the upper right hand pocket is by Simple Stories as are the stickers spelling out "Salted Caramel" on the picture on the bottom on the left.

A snapshot of Rupert at Braywick, resting from a game of fetch, during a warm sunny afternoon. So warm he had to take a break in the shade underneath a bench until he caught his breath again. A photo opportunity!
SUPPLIES |  On the right the background chevron paper is by Simple Stories.  The giant green arrow card is a 3x4 Project Life card that I cut the bottom inch off of and turned it sideways. The pink heart stickers are by Simple Stories.  The green brads are by Papermania. The bigger pink striped and checked hearts (one on each insert) are punched out from scraps of PL cards.

(Close up of detail on top of photo)
SUPPLIES | The "you make me smile" sticker is by Simple Stories. The green asterisk is by Papermania and the pink enamel dot is by Freckled Fawn from the Studio Calico Sugar Rush kit.

Hard to believe that we were still having roaring fires in the middle of March and Rupert's favourite spot is always directly in front of it.
SUPPLIES | Background Paper from Dovecraft called Garden Party.  All three stickers "charmed life", "delightful" and "fabulous" are by Simple Stories. The blue and pink stars are by Studio Calico. 
 One evening while we were in Marlow for a personal appointment we realised it was getting near dinner time and that by the time we arrived home, made dinner etc. it would be quite late.  So we decided to stop at The Marlow Donkey, which was just around the corner and grab a bite to eat & a drink. It has been a while since we have been there but it always makes for a good night! 

SUPPLIES | Both the blue polka dot paper and the faded blue chevron paper are Project Life cards.  All the alpha stickers are by Simple Stories. The blue starts are Studio Calico. The blue enamel dot is by Freckled Fawn.
Now that I have been working a bit more consistently it is nice to get back in the salon again more regularly.  One way that will definitely always make you feel better about yourself, is to go to the salon to have a cut and style! I was talking to my hairdresser about maybe doing something different, a new style or cutting all my hair off, maybe a radical tint, but she suggested something a bit less radical yet still daring.  A touch of the colour pink in my hair! With all that is going on with me at the moment she suggested that a few streaks like this might be more suitable, and sensible. I like it!
(Close up of detail on insert card)
SUPPLIES | Bunting is by Helz Cuppleditch called Riverbank Revels, something I picked up at Wilkos, believe it or not. The black and white polka dot card is a Project Life insert card.

(Top half of layout)
This is a bit about the bizarre weather that you get here in the UK.  We were standing out in front of the Cox Green post office, on a warm sunny day and all of a sudden a dark gray cloud rolled through the sky over us, raining down small pellets of hail on us, making us quickly retreat to the safety of the car. Moments later, the cloud was gone and the hail quickly melted away on the windscreen.
(Shot of full page layout)

That's it for this post.  Another short one, but at least another completed layout!
Onwards and upwards! 

Thank you for stopping by to have a look and let me share my layout with you!
Christine   : )