So happy that September is done as well!!
I did post some pics near the end of October (I would post a link but to be honest I am still learning how to do that with a bit of ease) when I was going though the new process of documenting my Project Life monthly. Yes, in some sense I suppose it is a bigger task doing it monthly now but I think I find more freedom this way as you don't have to work within the timeframe of week-to-week and you can do whatever you want, adding things wherever and whenever you want as they happen.
This is my title page for September. A popular way to create and document your title page for the month so I thought I would give it a try. Funny how this picture came about. I was walking through the pasture with Rupert and had stopped to bend down to tie my shoe, right near this post and as I was kneeling on the ground I thought to myself this would make a good picture from this angle. So after swiftly tying my shoe I pulled out my phone and snapped away. I like it!

I created the "Rare Moment" insert card with paper from Simple Stories 6x6 Basics Paper Pack along with a cardstock sticker ("this was the best" banner) from the Simple Stories 12x12 Collection Kit Snap Life and then some paper strips, from the same kit to create the banners along the bottom. The blue "flower" is from a kit by Papermania called Capsule Collection Embellishment Set in Teal (that I've had for a while in my stash). With these photos of Rupert I sort of wanted to get the perspective from my eye line view, him climbing up into my arms, so hence the extreme close-ups. I always like to try to find ways to take "different" pictures.

The upper left insert card is my own creation (I use that term loosely), again another way to scrap on a "budget". I've seen insert cards like these online on various websites and liked the mix of different fonts so created something that was unique to some of the photos I have taken this month. The picture to the right of that is of Rupert. I have never had a dog with such character and Rupert definitely has that! Whenever Simon will eat a yogurt or pudding cup Rupert gets right up in his lap and tries to sit as close to him as possible. It's so funny! He watches Simon so intently and every time he lifts the spoon from the cup to his mouth, Rupert's tongue quickly darts out of his mouth, licking the air, as if he can taste whatever Simon is eating. On this occasion I quickly snapped a few pictures and Rupert sorta gave me the sideways evils, like what are you looking at so I used this phrase for my banner. I created this in Word and the "LOL" stickers are from Simple Stories Typeset letters kit.
At the cinema this month we went to see Rush by Ron Howard, it was such a great film! You don't necessarily have to be a race fan either to enjoy it, there is a good enough back story there to make it good without knowing anything about racing. For the movie insert card I downloaded a jpeg of the movie poster and then glued it to a red insert card with the title " At the Movies" on it along with the film reel's both sides on either end. The other card is the IHG logo as I was working at IHG again this month.

For this layout, on the top is a pic of the laundromat as we get all the linens ready for the cold months ahead, airing everything out and getting them cleaned. Spent my Saturday shuttling back and forth to get everything done. The bottom pic, a pic of my homemade Mac & Cheese because sometimes you do just need some good old comfort food to cure a craving! The text in the upper left hand corner was added in Word when I printed the picture and the tag on the bottom was printed on Simple Stories yellow graph paper in the 6x6 Basics Paper Pad. Also added a bit of red polka dot washi tape.

The top pic is of the mist that is now starting to roll in early in the morning, which means the days will get chillier and the nights more crisp. Fall will be here soon and then gloomy winter, still haven't yet become used to the winters here in the UK. The bottom pic is of Simon and Rupert - that dog really is just so attached to him it astounds and amazes me. I have never seen anything like it. The "Adore you" is a sticker from the Simple Stories Typeset pack.

The upper left insert card reads "Simon and I are not coffee drinkers and we do both like our tea, him admittedly more so than me but when it comes to Hot Chocolate, that is something we definitely both agree on!". This card was created in Word with a bit of clipart. The insert card below "Enjoy the Little Things" I also created as well. I was trying to tie the colours into the colours on the Costa coffee cup, not exactly spot on but near enough. The title on the photo is "Ho Cho" Sunday @ Costa and by the way we don't actually call it Ho Cho. I actually got the term from a girl I was working with that week. She was sooo determined to not be "trendy" and not be "one of the mindless sheep", (yes, she was about 20-something) that she was striving so hard to be a unique individual that she had almost come full circle to being trendy again, in her rebelliousness. (If that makes any sense!) We were ordering tea's & coffee's one day at work and in an attempt to be unique, she said she didn't believe in the consumption of hot caffeinated beverages, only in "Ho Cho". I found it hysterical, so I used it!

The picture on the left was sent to me by my best friend Laura as she was getting ready to go out for the evening and celebrate her birthday. How I wish I could have been there but as I currently live so far away as she lives in the US, it wasn't going to happen. She has become such the fashionista!! I love it! That photo almost looks like something you would see in a magazine. As I didn't like the original insert card I had on the upper right I went back and changed it, adding some thoughts about when she lived here in the UK and how difficult it was to even get her to change anything about her style or try something new and now, she is so stylish!! Like a completely different person.
The insert card below this (The girl is a Fashionista) is my own creation.

This month was Simon's birthday, not something he was really looking forward to. Well, actually I think he enjoys his birthdays, it's just the getting older bit that he doesn't like and I won't mention what age he was turning this year, sore subject in this house. But I don't blame him, I am only a few years behind him and not looking forward to my next birthday either. Well, the getting older part. Anyway, I digress. For his birthday I treated him to a day out, playing 18 holes at Mill Ride Golf Course, over in Ascot with a good friend of his Paul. I told him to take some pictures for me, for my book and he did. I thought this one was great! Both their bags sitting on the back of the buggy with the same Jack Russell head cover on their clubs. Too cute!

This layout was an easy one. The picture above was the front page of the finance section for The Daily Telegraph for an ad for Lloyds Bank. We don't buy this paper but my neighbour Brian showed it to me as the likeness to Rupert is uncanny. If you didn't know any better you would almost think it's him. For this I took a picture of the paper, added the text "Is that Rupert on the front of the Daily Telegraph?" trying to mimic the style of the font so you couldn't tell the difference between the two and then printed off the pic & mounted it on white cardstock.
As I love to bake I helped out a friend with her MacMillan Coffee Morning this month by baking loads of donuts. She was organising the whole thing herself and for a good cause, so I thought the least I could do was bake and donate 4 dozen donuts for her to sell. The turnout was good and in the end I think she made a couple hundred pounds for the charity.

On this layout the upper left pic is of one of the trucks we were looking at for Simon. In the end it didn't work out as it just wasn't right for him. On the top right is a picture of a new recipe we tried. Since I got back from my trip to the states earlier this year I have been doing a bit more cooking and baking, trying a few new things. This recipe in particular was quite good and very simple. It really was extremely tasty. One to add to the regular menu. The bottom pic is a close-up of a BBQ pulled pork sandwich I made at home one day accompanied by cheesy coleslaw and a crisp dill pickle. This was to curb another American food craving that I had............
and I have to say I'm now starting to see a theme here.
For this layout I included a couple pics from a weekend country walk we took while in Hertfordshire. We were up in St. Albans looking at work trucks for Simon.
All stickers and tags are from Simple Stories.
This layout includes a few pics of Rupert from one afternoon when we were playing in the garden. I wish I was half as photogenic as this dog! I don't think he takes a bad picture. The "Good Boy" insert card is my own creation.
"Shopping at Jerry's" - this has become a bit of a tradition for us now. Who's Jerry you ask? Well, he's a wonderful butcher located in our village. People come from far and wide to shop at Jerry's and I'm not surprised, everything is fresh, locally sourced and well prepared. We typically find ourselves there on Saturday morning picking up things we'll need for the week and as well, all the fixins for a Saturday morning breakfast.
That's it, September done! I have to stop playing with it, tweaking it and just let it be, come to the realisation that it's okay to let it go, it doesn't have to be perfect.
I have enjoyed the process of doing Project Life monthly. Now I just need to get stuck in with October!